| 2024
| 單頻道錄像、複合媒材裝置、平面錄像地圖 | Single Channel Video, Installation, Mixed Plane Map
在淺移默化下我們有了框架,而框架之外是什麼? 被文化、被信仰所影響、塑造,最後成型的是身體還是精神?
作品分為了三個部分敘事同時也是三個不同地理位置,台北島、泰國、金三角。 於其中可以看見於台北島搭建臨時住所,使用現地材料製作成型,再隨著時間推移後消失,最後會成為什麼樣子也不得而知,如同那些被埋於土中經過20年風化的選舉旗幟,因為搭建的目的被挖出再隨著時間棄置成為地景的一部分。台北島如同一座失去目的後物品的垃圾場,還有周遭流離失所的人,身體是精神的房子、而身體歸屬於國家。 另一部分是對於金三角的敘述,在那裡我看見了台北島的影子,那處在一個中間地帶,不上不下的位置、邊界。我們對於自我的認同究竟從何而來,是被國家塑造的、還是自我身體的教化?
Under certain influences, we develop a framework but is there anything that goes beyond this framework? Is it the body or the spirit influenced and shaped by cultures and beliefs? This video presents the process of thinking, a dialogue with self-spirit and friends.On inclusion within the country, the border, the body, and the spirit, are things that exist for a purpose free from their limitations in spirit? Do it for yourself and experience the truth.
There are three parts in this work narrated from three locations, Taipei Island, Thailand, and Golden Triangle. Here we see a temporary place built in Taipei Island, molded with local materials, and later it will disappear over time. However, we don't know what will be happening to them in the end, just like those election flags buried in the ground and weathered for 20 years. They were created and dug up for a purpose but later disposed over time to become a part of the landscape.
Taipei Island is quite like a dumping ground of things, in which their purposes were forgotten and got lost. For the people displaced around the island, their body is the house of the spirit but belongs to their countries.
This video also describes about Golden Triangle in which the things are experienced same in Taipei Island. The place is located in the middle, but in the middle that can not be identified.
Where does our self-identity come from? Is it shaped by the country, or is it indoctrinated by our own body? Finally, I let go of my thoughts and let my spirit wander freely because this may be a good way of experiencing the truth of things- a real exchange.
預告片 Teaser
| 錄像 Video Length : 22 (M) 21 (S)
劇照 Stage Photo
另一部分,在混合拼貼地圖上可以看見進入台北島的過程(台北島又名中興沙洲位於淡水河中間位置,須通過特殊道路才能前往),觀眾經由小艇,沿著新店溪-淡水河登陸台北島陸地,整個過程如同一個脫逃的計畫。存在都市中的島嶼是當代社會下的縫隙, 在移動過程中進入模糊且變動的中介地帶,是對當代環境的重新觀看,同時伴隨著踏上新大陸又或是邊界的好奇與期待心理。
On the mixed collage maps, the locations and routes by video shooting are marked. Through the collage maps, the landscape is viewed from a different perspective in the video or image, providing clues for the work and creating links. In the other part, the process of entering Taipei Island (Taipei Island, also known as Zhongxing Sandbank, located in the middle of the Danshui River in which can only be accessed through a special route) can be seen on the mixed collage map. The viewers ascends to the land of Taipei Island along the Xindian River and the Danshui River by boat, and the entire process is like an escaping plan. The islands that exist in the city are the gaps in the contemporary society. The process of moving into the ambiguous and shifting intermediary zone is reviewing the contemporary environment, accompanied by the curiosity and anticipation of stepping onto a new continent or border.
| 現地裝置 Installation : 3m(L) x 3m(W) x 2m(H)
| 混合地圖 Mixed Plane Map : 2m(L) x 1m(W)