關於生命的流動 Real Time Flow
| 2023
| 藝術家 : 蔡昱廷 / 張舒植 | Artists : Yu Ting Tsai, Shu Zhiz Chang
| 互動燈光裝置 | Interactive Light Installation
| 尺寸 Size : 9m x 9m x 3m
作品透過觸摸將脈搏轉換為光斑,光斑經由傳輸網絡匯聚於血袋,最後將血袋匯集之能 量注入類比訊號電視,光斑的移動及累積,使生命的流動意識放大。
作為一個無機生命體,觀者透過建立與生命體的連結,互相接受、共感彼此的訊息,觀 者感知光斑的流動、燈泡的跳動,生命體接收觀者的心律、形象,映入生命體眼中的觀者, 是生命體的凝視,而觀者藉由映像管的變化凝視生命體的凝視。
The pulses are converted into light spots by touch; the light spots are assembled in the blood bag through the network transmission. As a result, the energy converged in the blood bag is injected into the analog television.The movement and accumulation of the light spots broaden the awareness of life flow.
Having a link with the inorganic organism the viewers take on and sympathize the conveyed messages with each other. They can perceive the flow of light spots and the flicker of light bulbs. While there is a link between the organism and the viewers' heartbeats and forms, the viewers are reflected in the eyes of the organism, which are out of its gazes. Looking at the changes of the imaging tube, the viewers gazes back at the gaze of the organism.
影像紀錄 Video Recording
脈搏感測、LED 燈光控制、燈泡繼電電壓控制、類比螢幕訊號控制、畫面雜訊干擾控制、攝影機、影像迴圈製作